editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Waiting for ESM – Fiat Euro! 28/2012
Is destabilization of the EU really the only alternative? German constitutional court takes its time. The state won’t allow any competition in manipulating interest rates. Many Spaniards have put all the eggs in one basket, which is currently hitting the ground. When Silvio is talking, rating agencies are listening. New chairman of the Council for […]
The Euro: A Community of Shared Destiny?
The Euro: A Community of Shared Destiny?
In March 2010, when the Greek debt crisis was heating up, then-ECB president Jean Claude Trichet declared to the EU parliament that the “monetary Union in Europe is far more than a monetary arrangement. It is a union of shared destiny”. Less than two months later the ECB reversed its refusal to monetize debt and […]
The “Sofia” Criteria for the Eurozone
The “Sofia” Criteria for the Eurozone
The European Central Bank (ECB) published its Convergence Report(2012), in which it evaluates the progress of the members states that have committed themselves to joining the euro by following the convergence criteria, better known as the “Maastricht” criteria. At this point in time, Bulgaria has passed the requirements for deficit, debt, inflation and long-term interest […]
One Step Closer to the End – Fiat Euro! 20/2012
One Step Closer to the End – Fiat Euro! 20/2012
About the Greeks beating German-looking pensioners and Greek members of parliament playing black metal, while Merkel is happy to gamble with their lives. About fiscal pact, which is good in one country and bad in another one, about reducing debt with the help of magic and about American budgetary hockey game, which ended 99:0. After […]
"Free Market Road Show 2012" Conference, April 27, INESS, Bratislava
Think Tank News
"Free Market Road Show 2012" Conference, April 27, INESS, Bratislava
INESS together with Conservative Institute of M.R. Stefanik, European Coalition for Economic Growth Austrian Economics Center, Friedrich August von Hayek Institut in cooperation with Entrepreneurs association of Slovakia, TRIM BROKER, Food Chamber of Slovakia, SPIN Foundation, CEBSI, F. A. Hayek Foundation invite to a conference Free Market Road Show- Europe on the way to slavery? […]
Conference “The Eurozone in Crisis: Solutions and Future Prospects” – Vilnius, April 3, 2012
Think Tank News
Conference “The Eurozone in Crisis: Solutions and Future Prospects” – Vilnius, April 3, 2012
Lithuanian Free Market Institute and                   Friedrich Naumann Foundation invite to International conference “The Eurozone in Crisis: Solutions and Future Prospects” WHEN Date: 03-04-2012 09:00 WHERE Place: Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius In the conference we will discuss the fiscal policy of the European Union countries and the future of euro. We […]