Few things stir the public sphere as much as the controversial subject of the adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic. Although one side of the debate always vehemently puts forward arguments in favor of adopting the single currency, while the other side points out the unmissable pitfalls of the euro, one crucial economic argument seems to be continually neglected.

Poland pledged to adopt the Euro when it joined the European Union in 2004. The adoption of the common currency will have a significant impact on the country’s future and will define our position in Europe. It should be noted that entry into the Eurozone is not only an economic issue but also a major political and social change.

In recent months, the topic of budget deficits has taken center stage in heated debates among economists and politicians, garnering significant attention in the media. In April, the caretaker government proposed a budget with a notable deficit of 6.1% of GDP for 2023. In June, Finance Minister Asen Vasilev proposed a new budget with a negative balance of 3%, which is right at the limit for fiscal stability as set in the Maastricht criteria of the European Commission.

“Road to Euro” is a Polish nationwide campaign kicked off in mid-2022 and run by the Economic Freedom Foundation. The campaign’s main purpose is therefore to start an intensive debate on Poland’s accession to the eurozone, inform about the benefits of adopting the common currency, as well as prepare recommendations for necessary reforms and initiate the process of joining the eurozone.