editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


No Need for Europe to Be Great Again
No Need for Europe to Be Great Again
There is no need for Europe to be great again. As a community it is currently the greatest economic power, which to a large extent already dictates the rules of the game on global markets. The only viable response to the ongoing challenges is a closer integration of the EU – to maintain the status of a global leader.
Retail Opening Hours in Europe: Regulation That Fails
Retail Opening Hours in Europe: Regulation That Fails
Regulation of retail opening hours is applicable in 14 out of 30 European countries. The range of the regulation varies widely across the countries, as evidenced by a variety of exemptions. Yet, the bans fail to achieve their objectives: a number of European countries have gone through deregulation.
REVIEW #8: Watch Out: Paternalism Is Taking over Europe!
Review #8
REVIEW #8: Watch Out: Paternalism Is Taking over Europe!
Be it alcohol, tobacco, or sugary drinks; individuals have a number of vices that they voluntarily engage in. It has been commonly accepted that we attempt to engage in these “vices” with moderation. However, over the past years, public health advocates have made it their mission to regulate people’s lifestyle.