editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

fake news

Disinformation, Effectively in the Shadow of War
Disinformation, Effectively in the Shadow of War
We know that disinformation as a tool of war is conducted in the shadow of war in the sense that it is a continuous, systematic, and diversified process, used not only during wartime but also—perhaps primarily—during \"peacetime.\" In modern armed conflict, disinformation is the strategic use of false or misleading information to influence perceptions of reality, behaviors, and military outcomes.
Fake Blue Monday and Cruelest of Months
Fake Blue Monday and Cruelest of Months
Not only do we need guides through the jungle of manipulated and false news, we ourselves, as recipients, should also cultivate the ability to think critically and develop the ability to check the sources, quality, and credibility of the information we receive.