editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Less Regulation, More Reputation
Policy Papers
Less Regulation, More Reputation
The emergence of the sharing economy shook things up in many sectors and within their regulatory frameworks. The greatest upheavals are currently being experienced by the taxi and accommodation services, since these are the services where the sharing economy has managed to compete with traditional service providers by (re-)employing idle capital.
Media Act in Poland: Let Them Play on Their Own
Politics, Society
Media Act in Poland: Let Them Play on Their Own
If Law and Justice manages to reach an agreement with the broadcasters, I see no problem. Needless to say, it is not a big sum if we compare it with European standards. Polish public media are still going to be much poorer than those in Germany, Great Britain or France and it will still be an uneaven cultural competition.
Hatred Is a Double-Edged Sword: Interview with Professor Tomasz Nalecz
Politics, Society
Hatred Is a Double-Edged Sword: Interview with Professor Tomasz Nalecz
Currently, we have completely different social stratification and the term “working class” is very obsolete. When we look at the rebellions in the times of the Polish People\'s Republic, the years 1956, 1970 and 1976 are protests of the workers. But 1980 was such an immense threat because then the energy of the workers coincided with the energy of the intelligentsia.
Political Mainstream Nationalized
Politics, Society
Political Mainstream Nationalized
Nowadays, caring only about national interests, sovereignty of the one and only Homeland, hostility towards other nations, all become the defining features of a “European” attitude. This is also why xenophobia comes into the light, encouraging many people of a similar mono-ethnicly or mono-ethnic mindset to do the same.
The Discredited Decentralization
The Discredited Decentralization
Just a year after the topic of fiscal decentralization briefly entered the public debate in Bulgaria, the political volition for taking actual steps in this direction seems exhausted. The government stifles to a large extent the initiative of local authorities.
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
We have the pleasure to present you the third round of 4discussion devoted to sharing economy. See what do Dita Charanzová, Kalle Palling, Marek Harbulak and Róbert Chovančuliak say on the topic and feel free to comment on that!
Poland: Towards the Black Scenario
Economy, Politics
Poland: Towards the Black Scenario
As for the parliamentary elections, I felt much more uncertain. Like many others, I took the possibility of a coalition around the Law and Justice Party into account. In this variant, the president\'s office in the hands of Komorowski became strategically important to prevent various anti-reforms (e.g. lowering the retirement age). I also did not rule out a weak coalition around the Civic Platform.