editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Revolt of Self-Centered Society
Politics, Society
The Revolt of Self-Centered Society
ACTA will not enter into force. Thousands of demonstrators opposed it. Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage – Bogdan Zdrojewski – discussed Polish drive for liberty and assumed that “we may also take pride in the protests of Internet users”. Nevertheless, everyone wonders why people started to demonstrate against the agreement. If nothing unexpected […]
The 2012 Liberty Camp
Think Tank News
The 2012 Liberty Camp
The purpose of the Liberty Camp is to explore liberty from various perspectives - economics, philosophy, history and law - while practicing English. The necessity of liberty for entrepreneurship as well as skills for creating a viable business plan enrich the camp's main focus.
“The Taming of the Fiscal Shrew”
“The Taming of the Fiscal Shrew”
On March 2, EU-25 leaders signed the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, commonly called the Fiscal Compact. The Treaty was not signed by the Czech Republic and Great Britain. Lithuania joined the treaty, but it still needs to be ratified by the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas). Not being a […]