editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

free market

People Need To Be Given More Freedom
People Need To Be Given More Freedom
The state must act where there is no other way. However, when it intervenes, the state must be efficient, strong, and decisive. In other areas, we must understand that our success is a collective creation, with the main author being the free citizen. Life improves only when solutions are in the hands of citizens, not dictated by the state.
Is Santa a Communist?
Is Santa a Communist?
Let me tell you the truth about Santa Claus. If his Marx-esque appearance and red clothing weren’t an immediate giveaway, I must point blank tell you: Santa is a communist. So before you go wasting ink and paper writing your letter, hear me out.
The Evolution of a Gentleman
The Evolution of a Gentleman
This readiness for liberty and tolerance transgresses borders, languages, classes, and wealth. It enabled people to help each other, to live more peacefully, and to get richer. The evolution of the gentleman is the evolution of classical liberalism and freedom.
Post-Soviet Georgia Proves that Economic Freedom and Human Dignity Are Inseparable
Post-Soviet Georgia Proves that Economic Freedom and Human Dignity Are Inseparable
Georgia became an independent nation in 1991 after 190 years of, first, annexation by Russia and then forceful incorporation in the Soviet Union. After the Soviet Union collapsed, Georgia experienced the most dramatic peacetime economic decline in human history – a 75% drop in GDP. The country needed to restart its economy, and quickly.
From Swamp to Top of the World
Economy, Politics
From Swamp to Top of the World
The story of Singapore does not match the usual idea of combining democracy and the market economy. While in the developed countries of the West, democracy has been threatening the functioning of the market economy, Singapore and its authoritarian regime has maintained the status of the easiest country to do business in.