editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Integrated Education for Socially Aware Youth
Integrated Education for Socially Aware Youth
The development of an in-depth understanding of the European values as well as individual responsibility among young people rests upon raising their social awareness and the advancement of critical thinking on social phenomena. A proper account for social reality requires an integration of economic, political, and moral perspectives.
Lithuanian Free Market Institute Ranks 12th among Think Tanks in CEE
Think Tank News
Lithuanian Free Market Institute Ranks 12th among Think Tanks in CEE
Ranked 12th in Central and Eastern Europe, LFMI maintains firm position in the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index by the University of Pennsylvania. LFMI remains the leading free-market think tank in CEE. This year LFMI was listed among the top 150 think tanks in the global ranking and among the top 100 independent organizations in the world.
Lithuania to Forge Ahead in Doing Business Rankings
Lithuania to Forge Ahead in Doing Business Rankings
Ranked 20th in the 2016 World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index, Lithuania has outstripped its closest neighbours Latvia and Poland. Yet, possibilities of forging ahead as one of the most business-friendly economies are not fully exhausted.
This Year’s Lithuanian Tax Freedom Day Is on May 18
This Year’s Lithuanian Tax Freedom Day Is on May 18
Tax Freedom Day comes on May 18. It is a symbolic day in the year when an average taxpayer has paid all the dues to the government and begins to work for him- or herself. The fact that it comes later than in the previous year means that government expenditures has grown more than the country\'s economy.
LFMI Ranks Among the Best Think Tanks in the World
Think Tank News
LFMI Ranks Among the Best Think Tanks in the World
The Lithuanian Free Market Institute is listed among the most prestigious think tanks in the world. This year the University of Pennsylvania\'s (USA) Global Go To Think Tank Index ranked LFMI 11th in Central and Eastern Europe. The Global Go To Think Tank Index evaluates almost 7000 think tanks worldwide.
Shadow Economies in the Baltic Sea Region 2015
Shadow Economies in the Baltic Sea Region 2015
The goal of the project was to unfold and analyze the composition, causes and consequences of the shadow economies in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Sweden and Belarus and to draw policy recommendations for tackling the shadow economies in the respective countries.