editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Why Does Poland Need Liberalism Today?
Why Does Poland Need Liberalism Today?
Ever since Law and Justice (PiS) came to power, the voices of those who think that the liberal formula has been exhausted or at least needs a solid modification have manifested with particular intensity. Liberalism of today does not need a social update, but a return to the roots.
The Evolution of a Gentleman
The Evolution of a Gentleman
This readiness for liberty and tolerance transgresses borders, languages, classes, and wealth. It enabled people to help each other, to live more peacefully, and to get richer. The evolution of the gentleman is the evolution of classical liberalism and freedom.
Liberalism and the Meaning of Life
Liberalism and the Meaning of Life
In Poland, liberalism is not very popular. Liberalism is a project that is best descibed as distanced. Every attempt to bring it closer to the people is therefore as challenging as trying to get closer to the sun. Is it therefore possibe to present liberal ideas in such a way so that Poles might stop fearing it?