editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Progressive Taxation: Are Taxes in Lithuania Too Low?
Progressive Taxation: Are Taxes in Lithuania Too Low?
With several policy proposals on introducing a progressive taxation model put on the table, the upcoming parliamentary session in Lithuania is sure to become a heavily debated one. In fact, every tenth taxpayer is threatened with higher tax burden as personal income tax might increase from a flat 15%up to 20%.
Two Thirds of Lithuanians Lack Economic Knowledge, Survey Reveals
Two Thirds of Lithuanians Lack Economic Knowledge, Survey Reveals
As many as 81% of Lithuanians find their knowledge of economics insufficient. Making economic decisions at every step of the way, Lithuanians compare their understanding of economics to that of physics or political sciences, but find themselves less confident in economics than in computer literacy or mathematics.
Sound Policy Reforms Push Lithuania in Doing Business Rankings
Sound Policy Reforms Push Lithuania in Doing Business Rankings
Lithuania has long been praised for its rankings in the categories of starting a business, registering property, and enforcing contracts, but it has also been criticized for a heavy administrative burden and red tape pervading the areas of dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, and paying taxes.