editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


“Politics Is for Other People”: New Liberal Movements in Central and Southeast Europe Lead Way for Future [EVENT]
Think Tank News
“Politics Is for Other People”: New Liberal Movements in Central and Southeast Europe Lead Way for Future [EVENT]
The question of whether to leave a successful career behind to enter politics and try to change the political trajectory of one\'s own country is central to the new documentary by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom – \"Politics Is for Other People\". The documentary “Politics Is for Other People” features remarkable stories of representatives of liberal parties from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria.
Into Infantile Society
Into Infantile Society
The solemnly proclaimed \"Polish Order\" confirms the philosophy of the PiS government. Moreover, it is nothing less than the beginning of its election campaign. The strategy of the Law and Justice consistently aims to weaken civil society and to strengthen an infantile society because it is easy to rule. Civil society consists of socially mature people.
Warsaw Pact: Historic Mission Is Accomplished
Warsaw Pact: Historic Mission Is Accomplished
July 1, 2021 is a special day for the former member states of the Warsaw Pact – the day marks the 30th anniversary of the disintegration of the military alliance. At Vaclav Havel’s invitation, Czechoslovak President, the official document heralding the end of the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact was signed in the Černín Palace in Prague on July 1, 1991. This closed a historic chapter for the eight member states of the Eastern alliance.
Joe Biden Says “America Is Back”
Joe Biden Says “America Is Back”
During his first trip to Europe, Joe Biden kept repeating that ‘America is back\'. We have to wait for the long-term effects of this visit, though. Only after some time we will see whether specific political decisions will follow handshakes and declarations. Nevertheless, we can already see that America under its new leadership is more pragmatic, predictable, and surrounded by allies, and therefore stronger.
Poles Polled: EU Integration Must Deepen
Poles Polled: EU Integration Must Deepen
What is the attitude of Poles towards the European Union? Has the Law and Justice government already turned us from a nation of Euro-enthusiasts into Euro-skeptics? Some time ago, the alarming information spread to the media signalling that Poles’ trust in the EU has decreased.
National Law Over EU Law? Legal Dispute Between Poland and EU Drags On
National Law Over EU Law? Legal Dispute Between Poland and EU Drags On
The Polish Constitutional Tribunal has postponed at short notice the hearing scheduled for today on whether the Disciplinary Chamber of Poland\'s Supreme Court can continue to operate despite an interim order from the ECJ. The hearing was originally scheduled for April, but was postponed several times due to the initiative of the Polish Ombudsman\'s Office.
Lublin Triangle
Lublin Triangle
In 2019, we celebrated the 550th anniversary of the Union of Lublin that established the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which included the territories of today\'s Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and even Latvia. In reference to those events, which bound Poland to those lands for the next two hundred years, the establishment of the Lublin Triangle took place in July 2020.