editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ukrainian Business Tendency Survey: Regulations and Excessive Taxation Impede Economic Growth
Ukrainian Business Tendency Survey: Regulations and Excessive Taxation Impede Economic Growth
According to the Business Tendency Survey, a quarterly survey of industrial enterprises in Ukraine carried out by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (Kyiv), the biggest obstacles to production growth in Ukraine in May 2015 were low demand, liquidity problems, excessive taxation, and unstable political situation.
Regulation and Use of GMOs in Ukraine: Neither Forbidden, Nor Allowed
Regulation and Use of GMOs in Ukraine: Neither Forbidden, Nor Allowed
Application of genetic engineering technology is strictly regulated in the EU. GMO as well as food or feed containing GMO is subject to a comprehensive authorisation procedure which involves risks assessment to human health and the environment, before the company is allowed to place GMO on the market. But how does it work in Ukraine?
They Do Not Listen, They Do Not Act
They Do Not Listen, They Do Not Act
From time to time, our media report that Slovakia has once again fallen in another competitiveness ranking. The papers write about it for a day or two, the TV stations show a few reports, opposition barks a bit, the government refuses the criticism and challenges the results. However, the topic usually does not live to see its third day in the media.
About the Limits of Freedom
About the Limits of Freedom
Continual restriction of economic and civil liberties may have fatal consequences. Even though we can freely choose to live in an unfree society, we have to be aware of the price we will eventually pay for it.
When the EU Food Policy Fails
Economy, Politics
When the EU Food Policy Fails
During the recent years the EU has been trying, via regulations of the EU Commission, to prevent people from consuming harmful food. The EU Commission thus produces legislation regulating food market and many of them, such as extensive law regulating gummy bears or the legislation stating “proper” shape of cucumber are nowadays taken by citizens […]