editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

sharing economy

REVIEW #5: The Digital Side of Bulgaria
Review #5
REVIEW #5: The Digital Side of Bulgaria
If ever there was an example of an unregulated free market approach to the development of a new type of social relations in Bulgaria – it is the spread of the Internet in the country. Bulgaria currently has one of the most developed broadband infrastructures in the EU and frequently makes it in the top 10 of various global connectivity speed rankings.
How to Pluck the Fruits of the Sharing Economy?
How to Pluck the Fruits of the Sharing Economy?
France is facing yet another challenge. The European Commission clearly stated that a restrictive regulatory approach that they have implemented must be avoided. A difficult road is ahead for the French government as it will have to admit that the country’s licensing practices are laughably outdated and have to be removed.
Less Regulation, More Reputation
Policy Papers
Less Regulation, More Reputation
The emergence of the sharing economy shook things up in many sectors and within their regulatory frameworks. The greatest upheavals are currently being experienced by the taxi and accommodation services, since these are the services where the sharing economy has managed to compete with traditional service providers by (re-)employing idle capital.
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
We have the pleasure to present you the third round of 4discussion devoted to sharing economy. See what do Dita Charanzová, Kalle Palling, Marek Harbulak and Róbert Chovančuliak say on the topic and feel free to comment on that!