editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Clientelism and Inequality in Bulgaria
Clientelism and Inequality in Bulgaria
There is a profound feeling of injustice rooted deep in the Bulgarian society. This can be clearly seen in international studies that cover topics such as trust in institutions and the rule of law. The same feeling of injustice is responsible for the widespread negative public perceptions towards Bulgarian entrepreneurs.
Bursting the Bubble of Fiction: What Do Polish Youth Want?
Politics, Society
Bursting the Bubble of Fiction: What Do Polish Youth Want?
I don\'t think that the youth want revolution. In these unstable times they rather want stability that no longer favours the mainstream populism, not taking responsibility for the future of the state, unkept promises and embarassing U-turns (career-like as well). Stability in which the political class is not moving further away from the reformatory attitude in the state of constant self-contempt.
Justice and Inequality
REVIEW, Review #2
Justice and Inequality
The modern debate on inequality is, in practice, a discussion about the morality of capitalism. To simplify this debate by presenting two opposing worlds – a capitalist society where skills and effort lead to inequality, and a socialist society where the state can secure equality – may be a good learning experience, but leaves aside the challenges that we face in the modern world.
Cannibals at the Gates!
Cannibals at the Gates!
People are either cannibals or creators. The fundamental difference between the two is how in their opinion the world works. What to do when you\'re hungry – eat a neighbour or come up with a solution to growing vegetables in the middle of winter? Is the world a “zero-sum game” in which one can prosper only if others suffer? Yes would be the answer of a cannibal.
The 8th Europe-Ukraine Forum Has Come to an End
Think Tank News
The 8th Europe-Ukraine Forum Has Come to an End
The conference organised by Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies on February 15-17 in Łódź gathered in Poland many distinguished individuals, including politicians, journalists, think tankers and many others, who were seeking the possible ways of helping Ukraine develop in the midst of the on-going conflict with Russia. Liberté! was media partner of the event.