editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
The Economic Freedom Foundation has supported the Freedom Games for several years. At this year\'s edition, at the EFF stand, participants were able to share their reflections on capitalism. We contrasted them with the content of Capitalist Manifesto by Johan Norberg. Among those who took part in our survey, positive associations predominated: capitalism means poverty reduction, efficient accumulation of resources, and freedom.
Young Poland in Europe
Young Poland in Europe
The Polish government, criticized for violating the rule of law, often refers to a sense of limited \'sovereignty\', which, according to the opposition and some commentators, may in the future lead to a so-called Polexit.
Two Thirds of Lithuanians Lack Economic Knowledge, Survey Reveals
Two Thirds of Lithuanians Lack Economic Knowledge, Survey Reveals
As many as 81% of Lithuanians find their knowledge of economics insufficient. Making economic decisions at every step of the way, Lithuanians compare their understanding of economics to that of physics or political sciences, but find themselves less confident in economics than in computer literacy or mathematics.
Lithuanians Want their Children to Become Entrepreneurs
Economy, Society
Lithuanians Want their Children to Become Entrepreneurs
According to the results of a representative population survey carried out by “Spinter Research” on behalf of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, 48% of Lithuanians wish their children pursued a career in entrepreneurship. Yet, the same group associates entrepreneurship with risk, innovation, and hard work.