editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Report: Removing Formal Obstacles from Labour Market
Report: Removing Formal Obstacles from Labour Market
More than 20 representatives of NGOs, Roma employment organizations, journalists, politicians, embassies’ representatives, among others, attended a seminar organized by INESS on December 15, 2015 devoted to describing the existing barriers on the labor market, which are the result of existing legislation and discuss possibilities of their removal, or change.
#4discussion: Minimum Wage and Welfare State
#4discussion: Minimum Wage and Welfare State
We are delighted to present you the second #4discussion, devoted to the topic of minimum wage and the welfare state. See what do Elina Lepomäki, Professor Tim Evans, Barbara Nowacka, and Richard Durana have to say on the topic and feel free to comment on that!
Infographic: Minimum Wage in European Union
Infographic: Minimum Wage in European Union
We have the pleasure the present you an infographic accompanying the project on the impact of minimum wage on the economy of six Eastern European countries created by Visio Institute and supplements the previously published on our website policy paper titled \"Minimum Wage: Busting the Myth\". Enjoy!
Czech Economy Thrives
Czech Economy Thrives
In 2014, the Czech economy did well. All reports have forecasted the same for 2015. The publication of the Czech Statistical Office dealing with the development of the Czech economy in the first quarter of 2015 confirms it. So how well did we do after all?
Real Problem with Minimum Wage
Real Problem with Minimum Wage
The real problem of the minimum wage concerns a very different group of people. Yet you will not see these people in newspapers or TV and they are not part of government negotiations at all. They are the unemployed people. Hence, what economists argue as some “redistribution problems” between employers and employees is not at the core of issues with minimum wage.
Structural Unemployment in Bulgaria from 2007 Onward
Structural Unemployment in Bulgaria from 2007 Onward
2014 passed under the sign of decreasing unemployment and increasing employment in Bulgaria. Although a big part of the population still hasn’t felt the benefits of these favourable tendencies, they are not only present in the leading economic centres, but also in some of the smaller regions of the country.
Why Get Rid of Investment Stimuli?
Why Get Rid of Investment Stimuli?
The investment incentives (part of state aid) are like a looser relative at a family meeting. Nobody is too excited to see him, but everybody is accepting that he has to be there. Every single economist will confirm that the incentive represents market disorder.
To NEET or Not to NEET?
Economy, Politics
To NEET or Not to NEET?
At European level, the NEETs are considered as one of the most problematic in the context of youth unemployment groups. For few years already, some analysts have started to talk about a “lost generation” sometimes referring as the NEET as a population of young people literally doing nothing.