editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

United States

An Open Letter on TTIP
Publications, TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP
We, the fourteen undersigned think tanks in eight Central and Eastern European Member States, all members of the 4Liberty network, urge the European Commission, the European Council, the European Parliament and national parliaments of the EU member states to ground their decisions in rigorous research-based economic evidence and to embrace TTIP and its elements, including ISDS.
Remembering the Lessons of Becker
Remembering the Lessons of Becker
For an average observer, the past month in the United States has been characterized by a frenzy of oppressive government legislation designed to infringe upon personal liberty. While this has been true for most of the Obama administration, the maelstrom, whipped up by the media, on this specific issue regards a minor law passed by the state of Indiana and not the federal government.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Polish)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Polish)
My, niżej podpisani przedstawiciele czternastu think tanków z ośmiu państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, będący członkami sieci 4liberty.eu, wzywamy przedstawicieli Komisji Europejskiej, Parlamentu Europejskiego oraz parlamentów narodowych do podjęcia decyzji opartej na rzeczowych dowodach ekonomicznych popartych badaniami i przyjęcia TTIP oraz wszystkich jego elementów, włącznie z mechanizmem ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Lithuanian)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Lithuanian)
Mes, toliau pasirašę keturiolika viešosios politikos analizės centrų ir 4Liberty tinklo narių iš aštuonių Rytų ir Vidurio Europos šalių, raginame Europos Parlamentą, Europos Tarybą, Europos Komisiją ir ES valstybių narių parlamentus grįsti savo sprendimus tik tyrimų išvadomis ir ekonominiais duomenimis bei pritarti TTIP susitarimui ir jos elementams, įskaitant susitarimą dėl investuotojų ir valstybių ginčų sprendimo.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovene)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovene)
Štirinajst spodaj podpisanih think tankov iz osmih srednjeevropskih in vzhodnoevropskih držav članic EU, ki smo člani mreže 4Liberty, pozivamo Evropsko komisijo, Evropski parlament, Evropski svet in nacionalne parlamente, da v skladu z raziskavami in ekonomskimi dokazi podprejo TTIP v vseh svojih elementih, vključno z ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Czech)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Czech)
My, 14 signatářských think tanků a organizací ze 8 členských států EU sdružených v síti 4liberty.eu, apelujeme na Evropskou komisi, Evropský parlament a národní parlamenty, aby se rozhodovaly na základě závěrů poctivého ekonomického výzkumu a aby přijaly TTIP a jeho součásti, včetně ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovak)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Slovak)
My, 14 signatárskych think tankov a organizácií zo 8 členských krajín EÚ združených v sieti 4liberty.eu, apelujeme na Európsku komisiu, Európsky parlament a národné parlamenty, aby sa rozhodovali na základe záverov poctivého ekonomického výskumu a aby prijali TTIP a jej súčasti, vrátane ISDS.
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Hungarian)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Hungarian)
Mi, nyolc közép- és kelet-európai tagállam tizennégy „think tank“-je, a 4liberty hálózat tagjaiként arra bíztatjuk az Európai Bizottságot, az Európai Tanácsot, az Európai Parlamentet és az EU tagállamainak nemzeti parlamentjeit, hogy döntésüket alapos, kutatásokra alapozott gazdasági bizonyítékokra alapozzák, és hogy támogassák a TTIP-et és az elemeit, beleértve az ISDS-t.
What Has Happened with Georgian Lari?
What Has Happened with Georgian Lari?
I don\'t believe that we need central banking, monetary policy or our national monetary unit. Without this, we can\'t avoid two essential problems – politicization of the monetary politics and also its competitiveness. But by saying this I do not wish to imply that in this particular case of devaluation of the lari the central banking system was the major problem. Quite the opposite.
Poland: Trust No One But the Law
Poland: Trust No One But the Law
For the next couple of years Poland will continue to take the bitter pills prescribed by European institutions, such as the European Parliament (which just renewed its investigation concerning CIA rendition) or the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (supervising enforcement of the Strasbourg verdicts). This painful treatment will continue just because Polish politicians have decided to violate the Polish Constitution and international treaties 13 years ago.