editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Georgia: Voting Is Not Always Election
Georgia: Voting Is Not Always Election
Georgia held a voting for the parliament on October 26, which was an interesting event by any means. Here are some facts and analysis. The Georgian Dream party (Ivanishvili) claimed a 54% victory in the voting, getting 89 mandates out of 150 (that is not enough for constitutional changes.). The four major pro-western opposition coalitions also claimed they won the elections in total, though the official count was 40+% of their total votes.
Domestic Violence And Hungarian Journalism
Domestic Violence And Hungarian Journalism
Domestic violence is a serious and insidious social issue that concerns anyone, regardless of gender or social status. It takes several forms, including physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual, sexual, economic, or a combination of the above. Due to the fact that it occurs behind closed doors, it is often completely invisible to society. This makes it difficult to assess how many families are actually involved.
Side Effects of Lockdowns
Side Effects of Lockdowns
An exasperated call from a friend of mine during lockdown described the weary situation of kids during COVID-19. My friend\'s child, as he told me fumingly, is attending his elementary school classes online. As expected, it didn’t go smoothly.
Toward Light, Toward Peace
Toward Light, Toward Peace
In each subsequent generation, we reproduce the reality of violence. Specific toys, such as guns and toy soldiers, computer games aimed at causing harm to another being and not bringing joy, the words we say – all this plays a role in shaping the reality in which we live, in which the next generations will live.
Polish Minister of Justice and “Gender Gibberish”
Polish Minister of Justice and “Gender Gibberish”
Zbigniew Ziobro, the Polish Minister of Justice, has vowed to submit a motion aimed at withdrawing Poland from the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe´s Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. He said the Convention contains harmful, ideological elements. He also stressed that Poland is doing just fine with protection […]
Open Letter from Hong Kong Protesters
Open Letter from Hong Kong Protesters
Hong Kong is much more than meets the eye. Beyond the soaring skyscrapers and glimmering shopping malls, it is the only place on Chinese soil where citizens dare stand up to those in power and, once in a while, manage to force concessions out of them.
Women and Conflict in India Today
Politics, Society
Women and Conflict in India Today
Gendered violence is used as an act of power, tactic of torture, and weapon of desecration. Gendered and sexualized violence is not limited to isolated acts of individuals, but is used as a tool of oppression by both state functionaries and combatants to subjugate communities and silence dissent.