editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
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Week of Freedom in Lodz

From 4th to 12th of June 2013 Industrial Foundation publisher of Liberté! organized “Week of Freedom” – several events and debates to celebrate the anniversary of first partly free democratic elections after the communism domination in Poland in 1989.

Among our guests You was able to find: the president of National Bank of Poland prof. Marek Belka, journalists and editor in chiefs of leading medias in Poland: Adam Michnik from Gazeta Wyborcza, Bogusław Chrabota from Rzeczpospolita, Jarosław Gugała from Polsat and Jacek Żakowski from TOK FM.

The event But rarely do I find defensive driving school . was the part of the project Future of Europe organized by online casino Industrial Foundation in cooperation with Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

Here You can find the program: http://4liberty.eu/event/week-of-freedom/

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