editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT Liberte
Liberte! is a magazine created by young people in Łódź in 2008. Its mission is to promote an open society, liberal economic ideas and liberal culture and to organize a social movement around these ideas.
Liberte! cooperates with well-known institutions such as Batory Foundations, Naumann Foundation, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan as well as Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Up to now 10 issues of the magazine were printed, the on-line version is available both in Polish and in English.
Liberte! is not only a magazine, it is also an institution which organizes numerous events such as conferences (for example the conference ‘What capitalism after the crisis?’ in cooperation with Lewiatan) or debates. It provides patronage over many important events, such as the 20th Economic Forum in Krynica.
Joe Biden Says “America Is Back”
Joe Biden Says “America Is Back”
During his first trip to Europe, Joe Biden kept repeating that ‘America is back\'. We have to wait for the long-term effects of this visit, though. Only after some time we will see whether specific political decisions will follow handshakes and declarations. Nevertheless, we can already see that America under its new leadership is more pragmatic, predictable, and surrounded by allies, and therefore stronger.
Poles Polled: EU Integration Must Deepen
Poles Polled: EU Integration Must Deepen
What is the attitude of Poles towards the European Union? Has the Law and Justice government already turned us from a nation of Euro-enthusiasts into Euro-skeptics? Some time ago, the alarming information spread to the media signalling that Poles’ trust in the EU has decreased.
New Social Contract: Does Poland Need It?
New Social Contract: Does Poland Need It?
The existence of a need for such an agreement does not mean that it will arise. As I wrote earlier, it requires broad social agreement, and there is no reason for the privileged majority to give up anything. Because why would they? And there will be no new deal without the consent of the majority.
Whom Will Represent Next Polish Ombudsman?
Whom Will Represent Next Polish Ombudsman?
Legally, the performance of Adam Bodnar\'s duties after the end of his term of office remains constitutional, while in the legal fiction of the Law and Justice (PiS) party, it will probably be enforced to deprive him of the tools to perform them. Polish women and Poles will be left without an ombudsman.
Toward Light, Toward Peace
Toward Light, Toward Peace
In each subsequent generation, we reproduce the reality of violence. Specific toys, such as guns and toy soldiers, computer games aimed at causing harm to another being and not bringing joy, the words we say – all this plays a role in shaping the reality in which we live, in which the next generations will live.
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
The pandemic continues, but the first data-based analyses are starting to emerge – and some conclusions may now be drawn. The most important indicator in assessing the response to the pandemic is the excess mortality – i.e. how many more people died in comparison to the average rate in previous years.