editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT Liberte
Liberte! is a magazine created by young people in Łódź in 2008. Its mission is to promote an open society, liberal economic ideas and liberal culture and to organize a social movement around these ideas.
Liberte! cooperates with well-known institutions such as Batory Foundations, Naumann Foundation, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan as well as Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Up to now 10 issues of the magazine were printed, the on-line version is available both in Polish and in English.
Liberte! is not only a magazine, it is also an institution which organizes numerous events such as conferences (for example the conference ‘What capitalism after the crisis?’ in cooperation with Lewiatan) or debates. It provides patronage over many important events, such as the 20th Economic Forum in Krynica.
Hatred Is a Double-Edged Sword: Interview with Professor Tomasz Nalecz
Politics, Society
Hatred Is a Double-Edged Sword: Interview with Professor Tomasz Nalecz
Currently, we have completely different social stratification and the term “working class” is very obsolete. When we look at the rebellions in the times of the Polish People\'s Republic, the years 1956, 1970 and 1976 are protests of the workers. But 1980 was such an immense threat because then the energy of the workers coincided with the energy of the intelligentsia.
Political Mainstream Nationalized
Politics, Society
Political Mainstream Nationalized
Nowadays, caring only about national interests, sovereignty of the one and only Homeland, hostility towards other nations, all become the defining features of a “European” attitude. This is also why xenophobia comes into the light, encouraging many people of a similar mono-ethnicly or mono-ethnic mindset to do the same.
Welcome to Habana, Señor Obama
Welcome to Habana, Señor Obama
When Barack Obama landed at the airport in Havana, he not only did symbolicly end the period of cold war between the two countries, but has also very clearly shown what are the main objectives of his foreign policy. The presidential visit is the high point of the ongoing for a year US-Cuba relations which have been reinstated in December 2014.
Bad Deal
Bad Deal
It really is a pity that the politicians currently governing Poland do not concern themselves with the negative demographic trends. It is even more sad that they do not care about the future of Polish pension system and public finance system.
Why Do I Care About How Poland Is Perceived Abroad?
Politics, Society
Why Do I Care About How Poland Is Perceived Abroad?
Whether we like it or not, getting closer to Budapest means not only drifting away from Berlin and Brussels, but also from Washington. The political position of Poland in the world states its power in Europe. But a strong position in Europe shouldn’t be built in a way that the Law and Justice does it. In such way, you can only lose this position.
Germany, Keep Silent
Germany, Keep Silent
The sphere of entitlement and privileges of authorities and the sphere of rights and freedoms of citizens form a relationship which is characterised by inevitable and perpetual tensions. Every political system – may it be liberalism or democracy – works the same way.
Safety Nets for Poland: Donald Tusk and European Commission
Safety Nets for Poland: Donald Tusk and European Commission
With the president who is not willing to perform his duties as the guardian of the Constitution, it seems that it is thanks to the EU membership that there is still a kind of a safety net for Poland. Joining the EU back in 2004 now, in the light of the government that has set out to question the basic principles of European democracy, may prove a real lifesaver.