editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


GDP As an Economic Indicator
GDP As an Economic Indicator
Gross domestic product is undoubtedly a useful indicator of how the economy is performing. It shows one aspect of the economy that can be used to interpret a general level of “health.” However, while GDP is comparable to a simple doctor’s check-up, it isn’t as in-depth as a yearly physical.
4liberty.eu: A Network of Liberals from CEE
About Us, Think Tank News
4liberty.eu: A Network of Liberals from CEE
We are a network of 15 think tanks from CEE countries. Our members actively work to promote liberalism on a daily basis in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Georgia. We do our utmost to make a liberal perspective from our region more accessible and available both in Europe, and the world.
4liberty.eu Website
About Us, Think Tank News
4liberty.eu Website
4liberty.eu website is a platform where experts and intellectuals representing liberal community from CEE (chiefly from our Network, but not exclusively) share their opinions and ideas. We publish topical expert articles, commentaries, and analyses on a regular basis.
<i>4liberty.eu Review</i>
About Us, Think Tank News
4liberty.eu Review
4liberty.eu Review is a half-yearly journal published in English by our network. The issues are available for free both in print and in an online version. Each volume is devoted to one key topic that is analyzed from various perspectives by our contributors.