editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


EU and Unexpected Costs
EU and Unexpected Costs
European Commission wants to tackle down on in-app purchases of add-ons for free tablet and mobile games. Commissioner Neven Mimica said, that “consumers, and in particular children, need better protection against unexpected costs”. He’s absolutely right.
Searching for the EU Centre of Power Against the Background of Eurozone Reform: What’s the Stake in the Game?
Searching for the EU Centre of Power Against the Background of Eurozone Reform: What’s the Stake in the Game?
If we take a look back at how the integration process evolved, the \'state of tension\' between the community (the EU) and intergovernmental methods has always been present. The establishment of the three Communities in the 1950s was a reflection of how the process relied on the community method: this is how the creation of the Community common market began.
Efficiency Instead of a Symbol
Efficiency Instead of a Symbol
Despite an ongoing crisis in the past few years, the governments of the 28 member states of the European Union agreed to spend 180m Euro per year and emit additional 19.000 tons of carbon dioxide into atmosphere simply to enable the meetings of the European Parliament to be held in two locations: Brussels and Strasbourg?
The Land of Our Fathers
The Land of Our Fathers
On May 1, 2014, the ten years long ban for foreigners on buying land in Slovakia comes to an end. The EU’s philosophy is that the European citizen is at home in every member country of the Union and this entails the possibility to buy an agricultural land. Thus, Slovakia and other member states are obliged to loosen these restrictions.
Are European Structural and Cohesion Funds Effective?
The effectiveness of European structural and cohesion funds (SCF) has long been a contradictory topic, both for European institutions and researchers. This matter is particularly interesting for in-depth exploration, because of the lack of unambiguous evidence regarding the effect of these funds on beneficiary regions and countries. Four countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece) have […]
Upner Report 42/2012
Upner Report 42/2012
Gold and silver are still in the correction phase. Switzerland is going to introduce a gold coin as official currency. Swiss army is prepared. Mario Draghi will kiss with everybody. Gold and silver were traded around $1737 and $32.7 per ounce at the beginning of the week. The story for this week is very similar […]