editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Austria Leagues Beyond Its Past: So Stop Invoking It
Austria Leagues Beyond Its Past: So Stop Invoking It
It’s delightful in spirit, neutral in foreign affairs, and has one of the most stable political systems in all of Europe. But if one is to receive their news from the Anglo-American establishment, it would seem that Austria is just one step away from its horrid past of the 1930s and 40s.
Racist Background of Minimum Wage
Racist Background of Minimum Wage
This is the sad history of price regulation of wages, venerated by the politicians, voters but also various organizations trying to help minorities. Although its current defenders do not have the same reasons as its supporters from the previous century, their agendas, unfortunately, still bring the same consequences.
Hate speech: European Union – Central Europe – Poland
Hate speech: European Union – Central Europe – Poland
The spectrum of hate speech is very broad, varying from hatred to extremely abusive forms of prejudice. Oxford English Dictionary defines hate as “an emotion of extreme dislike or aversion; detention, abhorrence, hatred”. And often the qualification of an action as “extreme” is treated as a decisive parameter in defining hate speech.