editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Our Only Hope
Our Only Hope
Entrepreneurs in Slovakia have not the very best reputation. In media they usually appear in connection with negative matters, so that the publicity wrongly divides them just into two categories: those who stole money during the privatization and those who are stealing today by public procurement.
About the Limits of Freedom
About the Limits of Freedom
Continual restriction of economic and civil liberties may have fatal consequences. Even though we can freely choose to live in an unfree society, we have to be aware of the price we will eventually pay for it.
EU-Ukraine DCFTA: What to Expect?
EU-Ukraine DCFTA: What to Expect?
On June 27, 2014, Petro Poroshenko, newly elected President of Ukraine, will sign the economic part of the Association Agreement with the EU, political part of which was signed in March 2014. Same day Georgia and Moldova will also sign the Association Agreements with the EU.