editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Sex Scandal on Polish Far Right
Sex Scandal on Polish Far Right
Ordo Iuris, an ultra-conservative Catholic foundation known for influential lobbying to ban abortion and limit LGBT+ rights, has recently been through a major crisis started with a romantic affair within the organization, also described as ‘sex scandal’.
Side Effects of Lockdowns
Side Effects of Lockdowns
An exasperated call from a friend of mine during lockdown described the weary situation of kids during COVID-19. My friend\'s child, as he told me fumingly, is attending his elementary school classes online. As expected, it didn’t go smoothly.
<i>Dune</i>: A Story about Power
Dune: A Story about Power
It is not an exaggeration to say that Herbert was to his genre what Tolkien was to fantasy, to whom Herbert himself defers in several places, just as it is not too presumptuous to describe Herbert personally as a liberal advocate for a freer society, not only in his literary works.
More Free Market or More Government? FOR and FNF at Economic Forum in Karpacz
Think Tank News
More Free Market or More Government? FOR and FNF at Economic Forum in Karpacz
“More free market or more government? How to strengthen post-pandemic recovery?”. It was the title of a panel hosted by the FOR during the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Poland, the largest conference of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. The panel was supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Agata Stremecka, President of FOR, moderated the discussion.