editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Business Urges Ukrainian Government to Improve Custom Procedures and Increase Transparency
Business Urges Ukrainian Government to Improve Custom Procedures and Increase Transparency
The Ministry of Finance proposed to reform customs in Ukraine with the aim of better transparency and predictability. The model of the reform and changes in custom procedures is currently debated between the Ministry of Finance and the representatives of the Parliament and civil society. The reform will hopefully be implemented by the end of 2017.
The State Spends More than Poles Think
The State Spends More than Poles Think
Poles do not know how much and on what the Polish state spends their money. Meanwhile, the structure and size of public spending have a direct impact on their daily lives by influencing the level of taxation and the availability of public services.
Poland’s <i>Illegal</i> Natural Heritage
Poland’s Illegal Natural Heritage
Last Tuesday, the minister said in the parliament that UNESCO “illegally” added the Polish Białowieża primeval forest to the World Heritage list (sic!). Luckily, Polish activists and the friends of the Białowieża forest from all over the world are still fighting.
Thou Shalt Not Forbid Voluntary Exchange
Thou Shalt Not Forbid Voluntary Exchange
This should be the first commandment of every regulator. Or at the very least, forbidding should not be their first step. All over the world, many governments which have imposed a ban on sharing economy do not respect this rule. They shoot first and ask questions later.
The Truth Behind Globalism and Why Americans Fear It
The Truth Behind Globalism and Why Americans Fear It
We love our country — it’s the best country in the world — but the idea of an overseeing government that isn’t ours makes us feel like there’s something infringing on our Americanness. How does something like that happen, what are we scared of, and how can you reach across the divide if it starts happening in your country?