editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Are Speculators Evil or Good? Does Speculation Require Regulation?
Are Speculators Evil or Good? Does Speculation Require Regulation?
You have probably heard it before: „Dishonest speculators are manipulating asset prices extensively. They make unjust and therefore undeserved profits. These vicious individuals only enrich themselves immorally at the expense of society as a whole, whose members, unlike them, depend on honest work to obtain scarce resources.
Cutting of Red Tape: Promise Once Again Broken?
Cutting of Red Tape: Promise Once Again Broken?
With its Commission Work Programme 2024, adopted on October 17, 2023, the European Commission emphasized its commitment to reduce reporting requirements by 25 per cent. While the Commission promises to cut bureaucracy, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is looming. The CSRD imposes substantial new disclosure and compliance requirements on companies.
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations are suffocating our freedoms, interfering with our lives, livelihoods, and comforts. Freedoms should be the priority of decision makers, but even the most basic freedoms such as those of trade and movement, vitally important principles in the EU, were set aside on the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Join Online Roundtable on Workforce Freedom and Innovation
Think Tank News
Join Online Roundtable on Workforce Freedom and Innovation
The Lithuanian Free Market Institute, together with its partners Free Trade Europa and law firm TGS Baltic, is holding a roundtable discussion to discuss new forms of work that have been created via digitalization and the changing nature of employment that is being sought by platforms and individuals alike.