editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Lithuania to Forge Ahead in Doing Business Rankings
Lithuania to Forge Ahead in Doing Business Rankings
Ranked 20th in the 2016 World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index, Lithuania has outstripped its closest neighbours Latvia and Poland. Yet, possibilities of forging ahead as one of the most business-friendly economies are not fully exhausted.
European Parliament Debates Bitcoin
European Parliament Debates Bitcoin
The last couple of weeks bore witness to some interesting news. Headlines generated from ranks of the European Union were complemented by updates from the realm of new technologies and applications continuously on a crusade of further progress and development even in the world of virtual currencies.
How to Create A Silicon Valley In Poland
How to Create A Silicon Valley In Poland
To create Silicon Valleys in Poland and Europe, recognize that they cannot be designed and that the winners and losers they comprise cannot be predicted. Especially by governments. Focus instead on creating the right climate and environment: attractive taxes and unobtrusive regulation. Trust in freedom and free markets.