editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


In Defense of Globalization
In Defense of Globalization
It is increasingly clear that free trade, in all its forms is good for everyone. Ever since David Ricardo introduced the concept of comparative advantage as the ultimate argument against the mercantilist policies that had dominated until then. Simply put, in cases where one party has an absolute advantage in the production of a particular good, both parties should produce what they are best at and then trade with each other.
English Breakfast
English Breakfast
The global trade Britain mastered greatly influenced our world today. Just think of the literary heroes everyone grew up with as a child. Not because they were compulsory in school but because they are culturally ubiquitous.
What Does “Globalization” Mean?
What Does “Globalization” Mean?
You have probably noticed that the world \"globalization\" evokes passions and even protests. \"The rich become richer and the poor are poorer!\" shout some of protesters. \"Globalization causes the loss of national culture and identity,\" is shouted by others. But is globalization really dangerous? Does it need to be slowed down or regulated?
Giving EU-GCC Trade Relations Chance
Giving EU-GCC Trade Relations Chance
Oman started 2020 off on the right foot when it comes to economic freedom. A new Foreign Capital Investment Law (FCIL) came into force to visibly lower barriers to foreign investment in the Sultanate. The crucial change is that 100% foreign ownership is now possible in Oman.