editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Russia Comes at Dawn
Russia Comes at Dawn
Without a declaration of war. Without any real casus belli. No excuse. Based on a vile provocation. With a mouth full of phrases, lies, insults, and hypocrisy. At dawn. Just like in 1939.
Pandemic Accelerated Digitalization of Local Democracy in Ukraine
Pandemic Accelerated Digitalization of Local Democracy in Ukraine
The COVID-19 pandemic affected most areas of Ukrainian life. A study by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) found that during the pandemic, traditional methods of communication of civil society with the authorities have declined significantly, especially those involving face-to-face meetings. Instead, the tools of e-democracy became widespread.
Nord Stream 2: If You Cannot Beat Them, Join Them
Nord Stream 2: If You Cannot Beat Them, Join Them
There are few issues in Poland on which all major parties have been in agreement for years. One of them is Nord Stream 2. Successive governments have tried to stop the construction of the gas pipeline and none has succeeded. Instead of wringing hands, getting offended at the whole world and threatening to break alliances, it is essential to draw conclusions from this defeat. Let’s start with a few obvious ones.
Russia vs. Rest of the World
Russia vs. Rest of the World
President Vladimir Putin is proposing to renew cooperation with Europe, which is to be welcomed because Russia is an important country. I believe, however, that in taking this step we should remember the history. We understand the pain of the former members of the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, President Putin should equally understand the pain of those nations that suffered great injustices from the Soviet Union.
Lublin Triangle
Lublin Triangle
In 2019, we celebrated the 550th anniversary of the Union of Lublin that established the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which included the territories of today\'s Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and even Latvia. In reference to those events, which bound Poland to those lands for the next two hundred years, the establishment of the Lublin Triangle took place in July 2020.