editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Conflict over Ryanair in Ukraine: Questions Without Clear Answers
Conflict over Ryanair in Ukraine: Questions Without Clear Answers
On July 10, 2017, Ryanair, the largest low-cost airline in Europe, announced that it cancels its plans to enter Ukraine due to the failure to sign the contract with Boryspil airport. The decision was a negative blow to the image of Ukraine, which tries to prove that the country is open and friendly to foreign investors.
SMEs in Ukraine Choose Fair Conditions Over Special Treatment
SMEs in Ukraine Choose Fair Conditions Over Special Treatment
When Ukrainian SMEs are given a choice between two options – to obtain certain benefits for their sector from the government or to make sure that the government creates equal conditions for all enterprises – they choose the latter. This tendency manifested itself in the results of the national “Annual Business Climate Assessment” survey in Ukraine.
Attention: Mediacracy!
Politics, Society
Attention: Mediacracy!
Putin’s Russia is the first country that has deliberately made the carnival a cornerstone of its domestic and foreign policies – in fact, of its entire post-Soviet political architecture. The first country to have established, one decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a full-fledged TV-run postmodern dictatorship – a so-called “managed democracy”.
The Abolition of State Price Regulation: How to Support the Business and Not Harm the Consumers
The Abolition of State Price Regulation: How to Support the Business and Not Harm the Consumers
We believe that if the state ceases to intervene in the pricing mechanisms, the profitability of enterprises will improve, investments will increase and administrative burden on business will be reduced. On the other hand, there are certain risks that were the reason why the government abolished this regulation in the form of experiment.