Benefits of Single European Market: Case of the Czech Republic’s Economy
The Czech Republic celebrated a major anniversary on May 1 this year. Exactly twenty years ago on this day, the Czech Republic joined the European Union, and thus became part of the Single European Market. Apart from the political implications, joining the EU had major economic consequences. These are the ones we are going to look at now.
Let’s Not Be Delusional, Euro Will Not Save The Czech Republic
Few things stir the public sphere as much as the controversial subject of the adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic. Although one side of the debate always vehemently puts forward arguments in favor of adopting the single currency, while the other side points out the unmissable pitfalls of the euro, one crucial economic argument seems to be continually neglected.
Through My Fault, Through My Fault, Always Through My Fault
War is male. Men decide on war, men manage war, men plan, conduct, and end wars. Men declare peace. In the world of war, a woman is an addition, a not very useful element, getting in the way, complicating things, getting emotional, crying, longing, being weak, being unnecessary, undermining the point of this masculine clash.
Tax Burden and Policy in Georgia
The tax burden directly determines how many resources remain in the hands of businesses and how much goes to the state budget. However, it also has some influence on the price level. The size of the tax burden affects the speed of economic development – the more money a business has in possession, the more development and expansion opportunities it has, the more materials it buys, the more money it invests in the purchase of new equipment.