editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

We are a platform for experts and intellectuals from Central and Eastern Europe, embodying the liberal environment, to share their opinions and ideas.

France Must Drop Its Opposition to Mercosur Trade Deal
France Must Drop Its Opposition to Mercosur Trade Deal
While the EU-MERCOSUR agreement is nearing its final stages, some remain opposed, risking a deadlock in the EU’s approval process. The EU must ensure smooth ratification to strengthen its strategic autonomy in these uncertain times. After 25 years of complex negotiations, the European Union and MERCOSUR have finally reached a landmark trade agreement.
Should Czech National Bank Buy Bitcoin Reserves?
Should Czech National Bank Buy Bitcoin Reserves?
Governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) Aleš Michl recently commented that the Czech National Bank might consider including Bitcoin in its reserves. Is this really a good idea? Should the CNB invest in this digital asset? The CNB\'s main and most important function is to ensure price and financial stability, as required by its constitutional mandate. Unfortunately, however, it has failed to fulfill this mandate in recent years.
Trump Declares Juche as America’s Policy Going Forward
Trump Declares Juche as America’s Policy Going Forward
Donald Trump, the illegitimate President of the United States of America, declared that all imports from Canada, Mexico, and China will be subject to a 25% tariff, from February 4, 2025, onwards. There is no plausible reading of the trade among Mexico, the United States, and Canada that would even begin to justify these measures. Indeed, Trump’s previous administration renegotiated the free trade agreement among these countries.


Academy of Liberalism
Tallinn, Estonia
Bendukidze Free Market Center
Kyiv, Ukraine
Center fo Economic and Market Analyses (CETA)
Prague, Czech Republic
Civil Development Forum (FOR)
Warsaw, Poland
Economic Freedom Foundation
Warsaw, Poland
Free Market Foundation
Budapest, Hungary
Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER)
Kiev, Ukraine
Institute for Market Economics (IME)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Institut Liberálních Studií (Institute for Liberal Studies)
Prague, the Czech Republic
Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS)
Bratislava, Slovakia
Liberales Institut
Potsdam, Germany
Lodz, Poland
Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI)
Vilnius, Lithuania
New Economic School - Georgia
Tbilisi, Georgia
Projekt: Polska
Warsaw, Poland
Republikon Institute
Budapest, Hungary