editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
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4liberty.eu Members in ELF Webinar on Rule of Law [VIDEO]

4liberty.eu Members in ELF Webinar on Rule of Law [VIDEO]

On December 10, 2020, two representatives of the member organizations cooperating within the 4liberty.eu network took part in a webinar organized by the European Liberal Forum (ELF) devoted to the topic “Rule of Law: At What Cost?”.

The network was represented by Andrea Virag, Director of Strategy at the Republikon Institute based in Hunagry, and Blazek Lenkowski, Director of the Board at the Liberte! Foundation from Poland.

Other speakers included Richard Youngs, Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Europe and Professor of International Relations at the Universit of Warwick, and  Beatriz Rios, EU affairs reporter.

The seminar was moderated by Daniel Kaddik, ELF Executive Director.

The session was a part of the “On the Agenda” series created by ELF.

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