editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [APRIL 2022]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [APRIL 2022]

The April issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

We are pleased to present the sixteenth issue of 4liberty.eu Review, titled “Toward a Bright European Future”. This time, our primary focus is on the future of the European project in light of recent developments and potential challenges.
Mate Hajba (Free Market Foundation & FNF):
Ever since the left-wing government, riddled with scandals and by the financial crisis, lost the election in 2010, the governing party, Fidesz is ruling by a two third, constitutional majority.

Kaja Kallas & FNF:

16th Berlin Freedom Speech: “Freedom Must Be Better Armed Than Tyranny”

Kaja Kallas, Estonia’s first female prime minister, has become one of Europe’s leading voices against Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. She has been instrumental in getting the EU to take tougher action against Russia.

Malgorzata Waszczuk (Projekt: Polska):

Including People with Migration and Refugee Experience in Educational Activities

In history textbooks, refugees and immigrants were rarely mentioned, which, as authors fairly point out, ‘seems odd, when we consider that only in the 20th century, migrations were and still are one of the acute consequences of actions taken on the international arena.’


Minimum Corporate Income Tax: When Fallacies Lead to Failures

The European Union is debating a directive that would place a minimum effective corporate income tax (CIT) of 15 percent on large-scale company groups. The directive is expected to address tax challenges caused by digitalization and ensure that companies pay “a fair share of tax.” In a nutshell, it suggests a move towards building an international tax conglomerate for raising additional tax revenue.

ELF & Liberte!:

French Presidential Election in International Context [PODCAST]

In this episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Leszek Jażdżewski (Fundacja Liberté!) welcomes Paul Gradvohl, Professor at the Research Centre for Contemporary Central European History, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. They talk about the presidential election in France and the possible outcomes in the current geopolitical situation – with a special focus on the war in Ukraine.
Barbara Sarkozi (Republikon Institute):
The Netherlands is rightly famous for its signature liberal attitude. As often mentioned, the country was one of the first which legalized active euthanasia and marijuana. On top of that, the use of soft drugs is not against the law.

Detmar Doering (FNF):

Poland’s Homework

Poland’s government was quicker than Germany to recognise the danger posed by Russian ruler Vladimir Putin and his superpower ambitions. And the Polish government acted quickly. However, a domestic policy that is questionable with respect to the rule of law and a confrontation with the EU and Germany have greatly weakened the impact of this action.

Maximilian Reinhardt (Liberales Institute):

European Agricultural Policy and Impact of War

Global markets cannot ignore the impact of losing agricultural supply from Ukraine and Russia, and European agricultural authorities are well aware of the risk. Although it is unlikely that Germany will experience shortages of wheat and other essential grains, the rising prices of agricultural products worldwide will have an impact.

Visio Institut:

Property Rights Alliance Celebrates World IP Day, Launches Open Letter to WIPO

Washington, DC – Property Rights Alliance, in partnership with 106 think tanks and advocacy organizations in 51 countries, is proud to launch an open letter celebrating World Intellectual Property Day, addressed to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Director-General Daren Tang.

ELF & Liberte!:

2022 Hungarian Parliamentary Election [PODCAST]

In this episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Leszek Jażdżewski (Fundacja Liberté!) welcomes Dr Péter Krekó, the Director of the Political Capital Institute, based in Budapest, and a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis. They talk about the forthcoming election to the National Assembly in Hungary, the possible outcomes in the current geopolitical situation, and their implications for the region.