editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT 4liberty.eu
4liberty.eu is a network of representatives of 17 liberal think tanks from Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, and Germany
REVIEW #5: The Sharing Economy: Economic Frame or Forerunner of Another Political Cleavage?
Review #5
REVIEW #5: The Sharing Economy: Economic Frame or Forerunner of Another Political Cleavage?
The Commission’s recommendation is rather supportive towards the collaborative economy in general due to its innovativeness and potential to create jobs. A part of these suggestions is aimed at policy makers: “Absolute bans and quantitative restrictions of an activity normally constitute a measure of last resort”.
REVIEW #5: The Digital Side of Bulgaria
Review #5
REVIEW #5: The Digital Side of Bulgaria
If ever there was an example of an unregulated free market approach to the development of a new type of social relations in Bulgaria – it is the spread of the Internet in the country. Bulgaria currently has one of the most developed broadband infrastructures in the EU and frequently makes it in the top 10 of various global connectivity speed rankings.