editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT 4liberty.eu
4liberty.eu is a network of representatives of 17 liberal think tanks from Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, and Germany
REVIEW #5 Editorial: Sharing Is (S)Caring
Review #5
REVIEW #5 Editorial: Sharing Is (S)Caring
We proudly present you a collection of articles and analyses devoted to (first and foremost) the sharing economy and secondly, to the digital challenges our region faces. Because as the fictional but nonetheless real Ayn Rand once said, “If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn”. And, after all, sharing is caring, right?
Less Regulation, More Reputation
Policy Papers
Less Regulation, More Reputation
The emergence of the sharing economy shook things up in many sectors and within their regulatory frameworks. The greatest upheavals are currently being experienced by the taxi and accommodation services, since these are the services where the sharing economy has managed to compete with traditional service providers by (re-)employing idle capital.
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
We have the pleasure to present you the third round of 4discussion devoted to sharing economy. See what do Dita Charanzová, Kalle Palling, Marek Harbulak and Róbert Chovančuliak say on the topic and feel free to comment on that!
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
Policy Papers
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
This paper firstly briefly provides a political perspective on the FDIs flow within the debate in the UK and consequently discusses the difference between FDIs and trade exchange. After setting the goals and methodology, a summary of the main findings reflecting the data available in the chart attached follows.
REVIEW #4 Editorial: The Frames We Fall Into
Review #4
REVIEW #4 Editorial: The Frames We Fall Into
Ne te quaesiveris extra, the golden rule of Ralph Waldo Emerson, seems to have recently backfired. Central Estern European authorities have internalised it to such an extent that they rarely listen to any arguments coming from others. This tendcency to “trust thyself” plays well into the hands of populists who have no problem with exploiting it to the fullest.