editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


FOR (Civil Development Forum) was founded in March 2007 in Warsaw by Professor Leszek Balcerowicz as a non-profit organization. Its aim is to participate in public debate on economic issues, present reliable ideas and promote active behaviour.
Poland: Moving Away from the Forced Conversion of Foreign Currency Loans Is a Good Step Forward
Poland: Moving Away from the Forced Conversion of Foreign Currency Loans Is a Good Step Forward
Taking a loan in a foreign currency puts both borrowers and banks at risk. At the time of signing the contract, both providers and takers neglected the possible weakening of Polish zloty, believing in its further strengthening. Besides the fact that one can easily learn about it from various sources, the majority of borrowers knew that such a danger exists.
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
Institutional Systems, Policies, Inequalities
“Inequality” refers to very important aspects of social life. But the debate on equality is full of confusion because of its many meanings, methodological and empirical errors and very strong emotions which “inequality” evokes. Conceptual confusion includes the lack of precise distinction between the inequality of situation and the inequality of opportunity.
Poland: Towards the Black Scenario
Economy, Politics
Poland: Towards the Black Scenario
As for the parliamentary elections, I felt much more uncertain. Like many others, I took the possibility of a coalition around the Law and Justice Party into account. In this variant, the president\'s office in the hands of Komorowski became strategically important to prevent various anti-reforms (e.g. lowering the retirement age). I also did not rule out a weak coalition around the Civic Platform.
Economic Freedom: Fundamentally Important and the Most Attacked
Economic Freedom: Fundamentally Important and the Most Attacked
Many people, both in the West and in the former socialist countries, display an attitude which I call—somewhat pointedly—“a mentality of Soviet official”. It is a generalized belief: “whatever problem there exists, only the state can solve it.” The state is perceived as a deity, i.e. an omniscient and benevolent being with unlimited resources.