editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Reform of VAT Rates: A Way Forward
The Reform of VAT Rates: A Way Forward
Possibility to set statutory VAT rate below 15% for a wider set of different goods and services may lead to lower effective VAT rates in various Member States. Therefore, countries, which have fewer exemptions and/or reduced rates, may maintain the same principles of taxation but lower their standard VAT rate.
From Pay Gap to Gendered Expectations in Hungary
From Pay Gap to Gendered Expectations in Hungary
The extremely low, 10%-level of female MPs in the Hungarian parliament, and the lack of inequality issues in the political agenda makes it quite relevant to try better know and understand the problems concerning men and women in Hungary as perceived by the voters and the possible social-demographic factors behind them.
No Place for Middle Class in Lithuania
No Place for Middle Class in Lithuania
If a person works, strives and believes in being primarily responsible for his/her own destiny and not someone else, if that individual plans own finances, saves up and at least tries to escape from the “from pay to pay” circle - such a person is considered as the middle class or has all the potential to become it.
Stimulated: Investment Subsidies in Slovakia
Stimulated: Investment Subsidies in Slovakia
Most economists and politicians agree that investment subsidies break market principles. However, many consider subsidies a necessary tool in the global competition for investors and as an economic growth booster. INESS analyzed the investment subsidies granted in Slovakia during the years 2002–2016.