editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


No Place for Middle Class in Lithuania
No Place for Middle Class in Lithuania
If a person works, strives and believes in being primarily responsible for his/her own destiny and not someone else, if that individual plans own finances, saves up and at least tries to escape from the “from pay to pay” circle - such a person is considered as the middle class or has all the potential to become it.
Stimulated: Investment Subsidies in Slovakia
Stimulated: Investment Subsidies in Slovakia
Most economists and politicians agree that investment subsidies break market principles. However, many consider subsidies a necessary tool in the global competition for investors and as an economic growth booster. INESS analyzed the investment subsidies granted in Slovakia during the years 2002–2016.
Exploring the Financial State of Bulgarian SOEs
Exploring the Financial State of Bulgarian SOEs
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are a very important part of the Bulgarian economy. Their revenue in 2015 equals 13% of GDP, but even that number underestimates their economic impact. The data show that the financial position of SOEs as a whole has remained bad in recent years.