editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Evolution of a Gentleman
The Evolution of a Gentleman
This readiness for liberty and tolerance transgresses borders, languages, classes, and wealth. It enabled people to help each other, to live more peacefully, and to get richer. The evolution of the gentleman is the evolution of classical liberalism and freedom.
GDPR Is a Tool for Radicals
GDPR Is a Tool for Radicals
I think the EU is an important institution and it is worth to be its member, but it is very difficult to be an apologist of those who run it. After the introduction of a legislation such as GDPR, is it really that difficult to understand why so many people believe such myths as the restriction on the curvature of bananas?
Tax Freedom Day Falls in Lithuania
Tax Freedom Day Falls in Lithuania
May 23, 2018 – the symbolic Tax Freedom Day, marking the day when an average taxpayer has paid all the dues to the government and begins to work for himself, falls in Lithuania. This year the Tax Freedom Day comes on the same day as in the last year, according to the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI).
Slovak Farmers Are Entrepreneurs
Slovak Farmers Are Entrepreneurs
Do not be fooled by the vast yellow fields of rapeseed in Slovakia. The agricultural sector is a zombie, living on subsidies instead of fresh brains. There are a few exceptions (like the successful tomato growers), but the overall numbers are harsh.