editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Bulgaria is by far not the only country where regional differences are not only significant, but are also becoming greater. There are basically no countries which manage to simultaneously increase the wealth in their poorest and richest regions, while at the same time achieving a meaningful internal convergence.
“My Taxes” Now Available in English
Think Tank News
“My Taxes” Now Available in English
In October 2016, IME together with FNF launched \"My taxes\" – a specialized online personal tax calculator, which can be accessed at the kolkodavam.bg website. The name “kolkodavam.bg” translates to “How much do I give?”. We are happy to announce that the website is already available in English.
Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High, Again
Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High, Again
The price of Bitcoin has doubled since the beginning of the year, currently floating around USD 1,900 per Bitcoin. There are a few generally stated reasons why the virtual currency is on the rise. There have been recurring talks about the Exchange Trade Fund, which should ordinarily be traded on the larger exchange markets.
Slovaks Need Deeds, Not Words
Slovaks Need Deeds, Not Words
Why do conditions for doing business and entrepreneurship keep deteriorating when politicians are trying to convince us on a daily basis that they want to improve them instead? No deeds follow their words. Although the government pretends to listen to our concerns, they do not usually take them into account.
Tax Freedom Day Falls in Lithuania
Think Tank News
Tax Freedom Day Falls in Lithuania
This year the Tax Freedom Day comes five days later; regrettably, government spending surpasses economic growth and Lithuanian taxpayers should work more and more just to pay taxes. To compare, Estonia celebrated on May 7, the United States on April 23, and Australia on April 13.