editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Austria Leagues Beyond Its Past: So Stop Invoking It
Austria Leagues Beyond Its Past: So Stop Invoking It
It’s delightful in spirit, neutral in foreign affairs, and has one of the most stable political systems in all of Europe. But if one is to receive their news from the Anglo-American establishment, it would seem that Austria is just one step away from its horrid past of the 1930s and 40s.
This Year’s Lithuanian Tax Freedom Day Is on May 18
This Year’s Lithuanian Tax Freedom Day Is on May 18
Tax Freedom Day comes on May 18. It is a symbolic day in the year when an average taxpayer has paid all the dues to the government and begins to work for him- or herself. The fact that it comes later than in the previous year means that government expenditures has grown more than the country\'s economy.
Which Parties Hungarians (Would) Vote For?
Which Parties Hungarians (Would) Vote For?
The Republikon Institute has recently conducted its monthly public opinion poll for the second time. The survey was conducted in days both preceding and succeeding the Brussels attacks, on a sample representative from the aspects of gender, age, level of education and type of settlement.
Why Protest Technology?
Why Protest Technology?
Fast forward to the 21st century Europe. Taxi drivers are the ones who are threatened by new technologies. A simple mobile app made them share the market with a whole lot of new drivers. And let’s be fair – nobody likes sharing a market with new competitors.