These local elections are historically the most successful, 9 city and district Mayors from Vilnius to Klaipėda will be liberals, – says The Chairman of Liberal Movement Eligijus Masiulis. Nine elected Mayors will govern Lithuanian cities and districts of municipalities in which, according to Department of Statistics, is located almost 883,500 of the population.

The new Greek government of the leftist party SYRIZA wanted to take back austerity reforms in order to, for example, “gradually restore salaries and pensions so as to increase consumption and demand”. But it seems that the only thing accepted by the European Commission and eurozone finance ministers is 4-month extension of the bailout in return for presenting a list of reforms that Greece had committed to undertake.

Laurels shall be awarded to a smooth transition in the party and the government after Donald Tusk left for Brussels. First, he ensured not having any ‘number two’ in Civic Platform (he devoted the last two years to getting rid of Grzegorz Schetyna). Next, out of the blue, before the internal opposition was able to react and close its ranks in time, he appointed Ewa Kopacz to take his place.