The vaccinated are already ignoring the pandemic on a personal level - and the unvaccinated are too. (Un)vaccination has become a hard political stance and nothing can be done about it.
The media have experienced a recurring tide of reports about the four-day working week. The topic plays on the right strings - most people are employees and work five days a week.
After a turbulent year and a total of three general elections, Bulgaria finally has a government. Much like the new power in Germany, it is far from a stable, single-party rule but rather a patchy, colorful coalition of small powers and former enemies.
Václav Havel, for what is sure, had generally no great respect towards authorities, certainly not for the bureaucratic authorities of the \"very real socialism\" that ruled over in his homeland.
The publication by the Hungarian Europe Society entitled \"Uncertain Times: The Future of Trans-Atlantic Relations from the Perspective of NGOs and Think Tanks in Central Europe and Hungary\" analyzes the growing challenges of great power politics and their security implications.
Despite overwhelming and publicly available evidence, pro-Kremlin media have denied large troop movements and continue to spread disinformation about their purely defensive motives and Ukrainian provocations.
Within the “Building Bridges in LGBT+ Politics” project supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Budapest Pride aimed to explore international LGBT+ advocacy practices in politics.
Since the 18th century until today, in most developed countries, the government creates educational policies. How do classical liberals imagine the functioning of education within the society?
Who wouldn\'t want to be rich and who wouldn\'t want us all to be rich equally? These are the old, well-known demands of left-wing political parties. It\'s like a marvelous music for many ears. However, the forced realization of wellbeing and equality never turn out well. Why?
The border region of Saxony-Czechia-Poland is a treasure chest of a rich cultural heritage and beautiful landscapes. Yet, infrastructural problems and the fringe position of the border triangle within the three countries have so far made it impossible for the region to fully utilize its potential.