editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
“Do you know what the driving force behind economic progress is and that we are getting a little better all the time?” Is it scientific knowledge? Technological progress? Are entrepreneurs behind it? New investments? Or a combination of all of these? One process is behind all these reasons. Competition
[PUBLICATION] Future of Inner City
Publications, Society
[PUBLICATION] Future of Inner City
The inner city has always been a site of change and innovation. In times of COVID-19, the inner city has an opportunity to exploit its strengths – with digital retail concepts, innovative mobility solutions, and pragmatic site usage. The Fraunhofer IAO researchers see the inner city of the future as an innovation lab for developing and testing new concepts.
Here Is How to Craft Your Story as A Liberal!
Here Is How to Craft Your Story as A Liberal!
If you look at the political map of Europe these days, you cannot miss the distinctive success of populist movements in Central Europe, not to mention the alliance of Hungarian and Polish governments. With a group of participants from the region, we discussed populism in the Visegrád (V4) countries and its relevance for political communication during the online workshop series \"The Story of Visegrád\".
Analyzing Populism in Visegrad Group
Analyzing Populism in Visegrad Group
What does populism mean? Why does populism spread across the world & across Europe. Why did populists come into power? Why does populism try to change the core of Europe and the European Union? And why is populism so strong in the Visegrád Group, especially in Poland and Hungary. There is no doubt, populism fueled a widespread crisis of democracy.