editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Human Freedom Waning in Many Countries
Human Freedom Waning in Many Countries
With the rise of nationalism and hybrid forms of authoritarianism, the rights and freedoms of citizens are under assault in many corners of the globe. Unsurprisingly, among the countries with the most substantial deterioration in freedom in the last year are Angola, Venezuela, and Tajikistan.
Who Will Drive Slovak Drug Ferrari?
Who Will Drive Slovak Drug Ferrari?
Slovak public has recently experienced number of front-page stories about patients, who were refused payment for innovative highly expensive drugs by health insurance companies. Stories, which attracted a lot of emotions and stirred the public and which are vanguard of much bigger future troubles in public healthcare.
World Without Liberal Democracy
World Without Liberal Democracy
This article shall serve as a cautionary tale about the fact that if liberal democracy collapses, even liberally-minded people may dismiss democracy and promote liberty-oriented meritocracy, which would cut off numerous citizens from politics – sometimes, for their own good.
Liberalism’s Pyrrhic Victory
Liberalism’s Pyrrhic Victory
Liberalism won, no doubt about it. The world is migrating towards more freedom, more equality, and as a result less poverty and war. Nazi Germany was defeated in World War II and the Soviet Union imploded unders its horrid lies. Why don’t we feel like victors then?
Has Liberalism Failed?
Has Liberalism Failed?
In Europe, liberalism seems to have a different meaning depending on the specific national political context. In Germany, for example, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) is considered a centre-right, classical liberal party supporting free markets and limited government.