editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Evolution of a Gentleman
The Evolution of a Gentleman
This readiness for liberty and tolerance transgresses borders, languages, classes, and wealth. It enabled people to help each other, to live more peacefully, and to get richer. The evolution of the gentleman is the evolution of classical liberalism and freedom.
New Reality of Work
New Reality of Work
In political discussions, we often ask whether a specific policy will create or destroy jobs. The success of an economic sector is often measured by the number of jobs it provides. The question of jobs is particularly topical in the context of new businesses or start-ups.
Digital New Deal: Researching V4’s Strategies for Society 4.0
Digital New Deal: Researching V4’s Strategies for Society 4.0
The new concept of a future 4.0 factory was presented at the Hannover trade fair for the first time already in 2011. It promised a new way of production that will be flexible, effective and ready to mass produce individualized products with lower demand for a human labour force. Download Full Study The economic convergence […]