editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Vision of Female Solidarity
Vision of Female Solidarity
I can imagine left-wing female councilors being able to work with nuns at a community center. Difficult times require extraordinary actions and searching for compromises. I am a huge fan of the slogan \"Girls, don\'t be so b….. to each other\".
Even God does not evoke such emotions when we doubt his existence. Some believe in Him, others don\'t, and that\'s it. In this case, faith or lack thereof does not end the argument. Every statement about abortion results in the fierce debate about whether to defend life or not, and if so, when it begins. And at this point, no one stops at their worldview but has to convince the opponent to it. The majority agrees that life is the highest value.
Climate Change: Hot Town – Summer in City
Climate Change: Hot Town – Summer in City
Heat waves, droughts and heavy rain: Germany is beginning to experience the impact of climate change. Although heat waves are not a new phenomenon, the changing climate means that they are becoming more frequent and lasting longer. This is particularly noticeable in the cities, where more and more often, the heat is becoming intolerable in summer.
Indoctrination HiTs Polish Schools – New Subject Introduced by Polish Government
Indoctrination HiTs Polish Schools – New Subject Introduced by Polish Government
Recently the Polish ministry of education announced the creation of a new mandatory school subject called \"Historia i Teraźniejszość\". The coursebook that was written by a former PiS EU Parliament deputy, Wojciech Roszkowski, specifically on that purposes includes numerous political and ideological biases, presenting \"the one and only, proper\" worldview inclined towards the policy of Polish government.