editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Policy Papers

Personal Pensions in the European Union
Policy Papers
Personal Pensions in the European Union
The principle of free movement of capital, goods, people and services comprises the main pillar of the European Economic Area. Excessive regulation, however, prevents EU Member States from reaching its full potential. Such untapped potential is particularly evident in the free movement of financial services.
Less Regulation, More Reputation
Policy Papers
Less Regulation, More Reputation
The emergence of the sharing economy shook things up in many sectors and within their regulatory frameworks. The greatest upheavals are currently being experienced by the taxi and accommodation services, since these are the services where the sharing economy has managed to compete with traditional service providers by (re-)employing idle capital.
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
Policy Papers
Will Brexit Hurt Investments in CEE Countries?
This paper firstly briefly provides a political perspective on the FDIs flow within the debate in the UK and consequently discusses the difference between FDIs and trade exchange. After setting the goals and methodology, a summary of the main findings reflecting the data available in the chart attached follows.